

Is required 2016/05/03 Dave Branon Corinthians 1:3-7 
we can use the comfort of God to comfort that was all the trouble people. -Corinthians Chapter 1, section 4, activity centres for the elderly, in Palmer, Alaska, my daughter, Lisa's high school choir is singing of the peace of my heart. I stood behind the lobby, wondered, Lisa, as the choir's conductor, why choose this poem? Because this song was sang in her sister Melissa's funeral, Lisa knows every time I hear this song, could not resist the sad heart. At this time, a man quietly came to talk to me, interrupted my thoughts. He said: "this is what I need poetry. "Then I briefly introduced himself and asked him why he needed this poem. He said: "last week I lost my son Cameron, who died in a motorcycle accident. "I suddenly found I was too focused on his grief, and not taking into account the needs of others, but God used this verse to comfort people in need. So, I took the new friend Mike aside to talk, let him know during the most painful moments, God to watch over him. 
there are many people who need help, sometimes we have to put aside your feelings down, on hand to help them. Remember God comfort us in all kinds of trials and tribulations, is "that we may be able to comfort with the comfort of God it was all manner of afflictions" (Corinthians Chapter 1, section 4). 
We are extremely easy to wallow in their own worries, forgetting others around might need a prayer, a word of comfort, a hug, or a paid care in Jesus name. 
Lord, please help me, let me see where there is a need to provide timely help. Xie Xiemi give us comfort, let me comfort. We comforted to be comforting. Read today's Scripture, particularly referred to the believers how to humbly serve one another. Our Lord in the world, serving on other things, set the highest example for us. Now the holy spirit lives in us, the believers, and also give us the strength to show within the main body of this spirit of self-sacrifice. 
Kings 14-15 chapter of Luke Chapter 22, section 21-46

正合所需     2016/05/03  Dave Branon



我們身旁有許多需要幫助的人,有時我們必須拋開自己的感受、放下手邊的事去幫助他們。當記得上帝在各樣試煉和患難中安慰我們,是要「叫我們能用上帝所賜的安慰去安慰那遭各樣患難的人」(哥林多後書1章4節) 。我們極易沉溺在自己的憂慮裡,卻忘了身旁的人可能正需要一個禱告、一句安慰、一個擁抱,或是一份以耶穌之名付出的關懷。